Blended Learning Nutshell

This Nutshell explains, generally, how blended learning will work if it’s required in Scottish schools. There may be some instances when all children can’t go to their school or early learning and childcare (ELC) setting because it’s not safe (for example because of local lockdown). If so, your child’s school or ELC setting will use […]
STEM in a Nutshell

This Nutshell explains what STEM is and why STEM skills are important. STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) subjects give all young people important skills for their future lives and work. Employers are looking for young people with these skills, but there’s a big shortage. How we, as parents, talk about these subjects is very […]
Learner Journey

When it comes to thinking about options, parents have a big influence on what our children choose to do. It’s important to help our young people take the long view when it comes to making decisions. It’s not just about now; it’s also about what’s up ahead and makes most sense based on the future […]
Early Learning and Childcare in a Nutshell

This NPFS Nutshell on Early Learning and Childcare gives an overview of the options available to parents and information about funding.
Senior Phase in a Nutshell

This Nutshell explains the senior phase of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).
Wider Achievement in a Nutshell

You’ll probably hear teachers use the words ‘wider achievement’. This means everything that children learn from hobbies, interests, volunteering, part-time jobs and so on. The skills they gain from these are important for young people for life, and also for their future college, university and job applications. These skills are valued by employers and are […]
CfE in a Nutshell

This Nutshell: • Gives the basics of the Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) • Explains how parents contribute to it • Suggests where you can find more information about CfE and about supporting your child
Languages in a Nutshell

Sharing Learning, Sharing Assessment Report

The National Parent Forum of Scotland is pleased to publish “Sharing Learning, Sharing Assessment – A Report for Parents“. This Working Group was established by the NPFS to give particular consideration to the needs and views of parents as assessment in Curriculum for Excellence moves forward. We formed this working group because we were aware […]
Progression in a Nutshell

Children and young people progress in their learning in different ways. Progression in learning is built into the learning levels of the Broad General Education (early years to S3) and into the qualifications and awards of the Senior Phase (S4 to S6/ college). Assessment will ensure that children and young people are building on what […]
Learning Pathways in the Senior Phase and beyond

A learning pathways is a learner’s journey through education and learning. Courses, qualifications and learning experiences can be chosen at any age or stage of learners’ lives. These learning choices are steps along the learning pathway.
The Curriculum for Excellence Learner Journey

A visual explanation of the CfE Learner Journey through BGE, National Qualifications and beyond.
Assessing and Sharing Progress in the Broad General Education

Assessing and sharing progress is a continuous process between the learner, the teacher, parents and the school.